Executive Board

The Executive Board meets monthly during the academic year to plan events and conduct the business of the 利记 ERFA.  Election of officers occurs during Spring each year.   

A Guide [pdf] is available for new board members and others interested in joining the board.

ERFA's Constitution and Bylaws are on the 'About Us' page.

ERFA's Presidents [pdf] (1986-present).

2023-2024 Officers

President -  Elaine Collins
Vice President - Winifred Schultz-Krohn
Secretary - Celia Bakke
Treasurer - Bill Campsey
Members at Large - Carmen Sigler, Beth Von Till, and Elba Maldonado-Colon
Academic Senate - Chris Jochim
Past President - Mary Jo Gorney-Moreno

Ex-Officio Members

CSU-ERFSA Representatives -  Chris Jochim, Nancie Fimbel and Joan Merdinger
Membership Committee - Susan McClory, Beth Von Till, and Joan Merdinger 
Newsletter Editor - Nancie Fimbel
Newsletter Copy Editor - David Mesher
Newsletter Design & Layout - Clyde Lawrence 
Movie Group Coordinator: Karl Toepfer
Consolations - Elba Maldonado-Colon
Archivist - Celia Bakke
Website Administrator - Bethany Shifflett
Research & Creative Activities Chair: Lucy McProud
Activities Committee - Lonna Smith, Lucy McProud, and Elba Maldonado-Colon
Program Committee - Carmen Sigler, Bill McCraw, Chris Jochim, Lucy McProud, Mary Jo Gorney Moreno
Biographies Committee - Carol Christensen, Celia Bakke, Ji-Mei Chang, Joan Merdinger, Jo Bell Whitlatch
Privileges/Advocacy Committee: Tim Hegstrom, Nancie Fimbel, Bethany Shifflett


Representatives - Chris Jochim, Nancie Fimbel, Joan Merdinger